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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Issues With Your Tissue


Soft Tissue

I am one month into running consistently and I’ve noticed some changes in my body.  I don’t feel old, but my soft tissue is tighter than I can ever remember.  I have neglected my soft tissue for years.  Your soft tissue is made up of tendons, ligaments, skin, and fascia.  It’s job is to support, connect, and surround the structures of the body.  Taking care of it, without a doubt, is the weak point in my training.  As far as programming, sleep, strength training, and nutrition go, I can check the “Yes” boxes.  But, to be honest with you, I find foam rolling and stretching boring and always manage to find an excuse not to get it done.



Now I know better, but no one is perfect, right?  Here lies the problem.  Running is a repetitive sport, which means the soft tissue in my feet and legs can end up being a hot mess.  That hot mess can turn into injuries pretty damn quickly.  So I’ve committed myself to doing at least something every day, whether it’s foam rolling, rolling my feet out on a lacrosse ball, or stretching.  It is not exciting or glamorous, but there is absolute return on the investment.  Healthier soft tissue equals a decrease in injury. 


The Takeaway

It’s hard to be perfect, unless you are part of the chosen few who are paid professional athletes.  But doing the little things can make such a difference on the end product.  No short cuts! 



Need help with your tissue issues? CALL ME TO SET UP AN IN-PERSON OR ONLINE APPOINTMENT 310.251.7420

Image credit: 2009 04 11 - 4118 - Altoona - Easter Rubber Band - Bossi by Bossi

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How To Be An Economical Runner | Ask Erik

There's a lot of energy wasted by runners who have poor form.

Here's how to change that and become economical with your running.

Erik recommends:

1. Get stronger!
2. Do compound exercises like: squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, bench presses, chin ups and pull ups

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