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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Compete With Yourself

kids running

Being the youngest of five kids, growing up in the quintessential blue-collar family, and spending a lot of time on construction sites with my dad and siblings taught me a lot about the importance of working hard and being competitive.

As the youngest sibling, I was always trying to keep up with my older siblings. I would try to carry more lumber than they did or race them around job sites. Everything became a contest for us. Even when I lost (I lost a lot), I never gave up. Losing just made me want to try harder. 

Being competitive has served me well over the years (even though it may have driven my family, friends and teammates nuts at times.) While you may not have a competitive bone in your body, I do encourage you to compete with yourself every day. Push yourself to be a little healthier, stronger, faster, and happier!

It doesn’t matter whether you are 16 or 86, every morning you have an opportunity to make your life better than it was the day before. If you only worked out for 20 minutes the day before, push for 30 today. If you only ate 2 servings of veggies yesterday, push for 3 today. The only person standing in your way from becoming a fitter, healthier you, is you. 

*image by Shanti Knapp

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5 Tips To Get Your Winter Body Ready For Summer

summer body

I know what you're thinking..why would I need to worry about my "beach body" when it is barely only the end of February? Well, let me put it into perspective for you; we are just as far from Christmas as we are from bikini weather. Since the most common fitness goal is to lose weight, you'll need to start working on it now! Below you'll find five tips to help get your winter body ready for summer. 

1. Remember the 90-10 rule

90% of what you are eating should be clean (food that only has one ingredient). The rest of your diet can be "fun" and "dirty". 

2. Increase your intake of fruits, veggies, and water

Your fruit and veggie intake varies by your age, gender, and physical activity. Refer to the CDC website to determine what your specific intake should be. As far as water, the Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 13 cups of water a day while women should drink 9 cups. 

3. Start doing short, but intense aerobic intervals

Short but intense workouts burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. Try walking briskly for two minutes and then jog or run for one minute. Repeat for 30 minutes. 

4. Set realistic goals

If you want to lose weight (and keep it off), aim to shed 1 to 2 pounds a week. In 8 eight weeks you'll lose anywhere from 8-16 pounds (that is, if you work hard and keep your workouts consistent.)

5. Be consistent with your workouts

If you are having a hard time getting motivated to go to the gym, it probably means you are bored with your current routine. Try mixing it up by going for a hike or playing Just Dance with the kiddos. Every bit of physical activity helps bring you closer to achieving that sexy summer body. 

*image by Jay Mantri

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Training While Sick

hot tea

It's that unfortunate time of year again...flu season. Up until now, you've been so good about withholding your new year's resolution of hitting the gym regularly. So what do you do if you succumb to a dreaded cold or worse...flu? Here is what I tell my clients: if you have a fever, stay in bed. If you push your body while exhibiting flu symptoms such as feeling feverish, you're likely to continue getting sicker. Instead, load up on rest and give your body a chance to recover. 

Fighting a cold, however, is a case by case basis.  I’ve seen many clients train and have great workouts while fighting a cold but ultimately, it comes down to how YOU feel. You should know your body well enough to know if you are up to the task of working out. 

If you find yourself coming down with cold or flu symptoms here are some tips that should help you feel better, quicker: 

1. GET SOME SLEEP: A rested body can handle just about anything. 

2. EAT WELL: Fuel your body with immune boosting foods.

3. DO NOT OVERTRAIN: Instead, go lighter.

4. WASH YOUR HANDS: Your mom knew what she was talking about. Count to 20 (or sing Happy Birthday) while lathering before rinsing your hands.

5. ADJUST YOUR WORKOUT: Make it easier and shorter until you start feeling better. 

6. TRUST YOUR GUT: Listen to your body. If you can barely get out of bed, stay there!

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