new year's resolution — Blog | Taylor's Fitness | Redondo Beach — Taylors Fitness |

new year's resolution

5 Tips To Head Back To The Gym | Ask Erik

With the new year approaching quickly, you may have a resolution to get back into the gym.

Here are 5 tips that Erik has to get back in the gym:

1. Have a clear-cut goal
2. Check your ego at the door
3. No such thing as spot reduction with fat loss
4. Hit your squats and deadlifts
5. Don't go ab crazy

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Don't Fail After January 1


I Resolve To...

It has been my experience that most people go wrong on January 1st with their fitness goals.  Eating better, exercising more and losing weight are some of the most popular New Year resolutions. 

January 1st comes and people attack their goals with great gusto, but many have no idea how to reach their goals and maintain momentum and motivation. 

Bobby Fischer It

Strategy is everything, ask any football coach, war general or chess master.  There has to be a plan in place to allow the best possible chance to succeed. 

The best advice I can give you if you are going to make changes that last this New Year -

Make the plan simple and progressive!  

Complex can come later after you have exhausted simple and progressive. 

Talk to others who have accomplished the goal you are chasing down.  Find out what worked for them and what didn’t. This can be valuable knowledge that saves you from going down the wrong path. 

Last, but certainly not least, be patient. Keep in mind that changes take time. 

Key Points To Remember

  • Simple and progressive
  • Find out how others did it
  • Be patient 

I'm here to help you keep your resolutions with 1-on-1 personal or online training 310-251-7420

Image Credit: Markus Spiske via Unsplash

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Get a Jump Start on Your New Year's Resolution Today

new year's resolution

Planning on making a New Year's Resolution? Why wait until after a month long of stuffing your face with pie and sugary cocktails? Instead, start today!

If it's a goal worth achieving, it will probably take some hard work to get there. Your body didn't get the way it is overnight and it certainly won't change overnight. It's going to take discipline, practice, and motivation. 

Want to finish a 5k? Want to drop 10 pounds? Want to quit smoking? Whatever your resolution is, don't procrastinate! Take the necessary steps that will position you for success.

*image by Serge Melki, Flickr

Sign up below and every week we'll send you one short but effective idea that can help you improve your performance.

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