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fitness goal

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: Find Your Tribe

team work

I have been fortunate enough to have been a member of some pretty amazing teams in my life (some of them even with hall of fame coaches at the helm.) There is something really special that happens when you are a part of group;  every individual is making personal sacrifices for the greater good while giving 110% of their will, energy, and effort. 

Though it is common to find this shared attitude amongst athletic team members, it’s much harder to find in the real world. This week’s challenge is to find your team, your tribe, your support system. Find a group of people who have a similar fitness goal as you and watch how much faster you achieve success. Not only will your team members hold you accountable, but they will also encourage you to push limits. They will be there to give you tough love as well as help you celebrate once you’ve reached your goals. 

As a team member, I learned some pretty valuable lessons that will last me a lifetime. Turns out, everything in life is easier when you have a supportive team. Whether you are trying to lose weight, run your first marathon, or start a new workout routine—it always helps to have someone by your side, even if he or she is just there to help motivate you out of bed. 

Don’t think of your team members as competition. Instead, think of them as something much more--your comrades, compadres, companions.

*image by Jim Sorbie 

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Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip : Goal Get 'Em

finish line

I am sorry to say this but I have some devastating news to deliver. Without fitness goals, your health will suffer.

What do you mean by 'fitness' goal?

Here are some examples of fitness-related goals that I have heard clients mention: squat 300 lbs, rehab an injury, look like a million bucks at my class reunion, complete a marathon, or get fit for my daughter's wedding. The more specific your goal is, the better. It's also good to have a realistic date in mind for achieving that goal.  

Why is it important to have fitness goals?

Because it's rare for people to do things just for the heck of it. Goals give you the gumption to get up at 5am for that intense spin class or avoid getting up for seconds at the buffet line. Having that one goal in your mind will help you make healthy decisions, even when you are tired or worn out. 

What happens once I achieve my fitness goal? 

You create another one! Goals are the fuel behind your success--without them, you just are just meandering around. Stop meandering, set your fitness goal, and GOAL GET 'EM! 

*image by Flickr

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