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active rest day

Want to Know a Secret of Mine? Here’s a Hint: I Reap What I Sow

reap what you sow

Today I am going to share something that most people don’t know about me. No, it’s not that I have a secret stash of junk food under my bed — I am actually an avid gardener. Not only is gardening a great way to decompress, but it also a great activity to do on your active rest day (and yes-- gardening burns calories!) Use this helpful tool to find out just how many.

While I probably can’t tell you half of the names of the flowers that spring up in my yard, I absolutely love being outside with my hands in the dirt. According to this article, my love of gardening might actually have something to do with a little strain of bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae. Studies have shown that this particular strain triggers a release in serotonin (which has the potential to decrease anxiety and leave you in a good mood). The bacterium has also been found to improve cognitive function and help fight diseases such as cancer. 

With all the benefits associated with gardening, it’s no wonder my wife Molly and our girls love joining me outside in the dirt. We pull weeds, plant flowers, and water our garden as a family. Sometimes my girls even water each other :) 

So there you have it. Not only is gardening good for your soul and brain function but it is also great for family bonding. Like staying fit, however, you reap what you sow. The more time and energy you spend doting on it, the more bountiful your garden will be. 

*image by Simon Dooley, Flickr

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