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LA Marathon

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Run Like A Gazelle


Ever heard of Ken Popejoy? Not only is he an NCAA Indoor champion in the mile, an Indoor All-American, a winner of Big Ten titles in the outdoor and indoor mile, and the first Spartan to run a sub-4 minute mile, but he was also one of my favorite coaches in college. Ever since then he has been a lifelong mentor, a close friend, and a daily inspiration. His son isn't too bad either :)

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree 

Today, I have the wonderful experience of working with Ken's son, Mike. Mike (who I swear is part gazelle) runs over 100 miles a week and is hoping to qualify for the Olympic trials in the marathon category. What does he do in his downtime, you ask? Oh nothing big, he's just working on his PhD at this little known university called Harvard. This guy is seriously the whole package! 

I am currently helping him increase his overall strength as well as improve his running technique. On March 15th, Mike is set to run the LA Marathon and I can't wait to see how well he does. Stay tuned for more updates on his Olympic journey.

*image by Stig Nygaard, Flickr 

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