Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | We All Want To Wave The White Flag — Taylors Fitness |

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | We All Want To Wave The White Flag


It's O.K.!

It’s okay to want to quit.  Eating better, eating less, daily walks, setting new personal records, or trying to lose weight will test your will, motivation, and discipline.  In most cases the struggle will cause people to want to quit. 

Take It From Teddy

Theodore Roosevelt says it best, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.”

Get Cozy With Being Uncomfortable

For there to be progress, there will be times that you are uncomfortable.  You will never get stronger, faster, healthier or leaner without the occasional struggle.


The only difference between those who make their goals and those who do not is they continue to push. 

You got this!

Image credit: Volkan Olmez via Unsplash

Call me if you feel like quitting: 310.251.7420

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