Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Tips To Crush The Manhattan Beach 10K — Taylors Fitness |

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip | Tips To Crush The Manhattan Beach 10K



Manhattan Beach 10K

This week I had the privilege of writing the newsletter for the Manhattan Beach 10K! If you are near the South Bay area and are available on October 1st, come on out and run it!

It’s August!

How did that happen already?  As the summer flies by, before you know it Fall will be here and you will be toeing the line on 3rd and Valley (or 4th and Ardmore) on that 1st Saturday of October.

There are less than 9 weeks to prepare for the race.  Now for the veterans who have run this race, that is no problem.  You have plenty of time, plenty of race experience, and you know exactly what to expect from a race course that definitely offers up its moments, to put it kindly.  

The #MB10K Is Special

The Manhattan Beach 10K is a race like no other.  It has a long tradition of bringing out some of the best runners in the South Bay. You run the final mile along the beach, finishing at the beautiful pier. They have team divisions like Mother-Daughter or Brother-Sister. After the race you will receive the best race T-shirt around, because the back of the shirt doesn’t look like a side panel of a NASCAR. Finally, let’s not forget about the P.I.E.R Group who are a group of locals that have run all 39 years.  I grew up in the Midwest and I’ve run hundreds of races and have never seen anything like this.

Are You Doing The Work?

So my question to you is…have you been putting in the work?  When training for a 5K procrastination is almost a given for many and often a badge of honor.  But a 10K is a little harder to get a passing grade in without putting in some work.  Give yourself a chance to run well and enjoy the race by putting in the road work and hitting the weights to help prepare your body for race day.

Tips To Help You Crush It On October 1st

1. It’s got to be the shoes, it’s got to be the shoes.  If you bought your shoes in 2015 or earlier it’s time for a fresh pair of kicks.  By far the most important purchase you will make and money well spent.  I suggest you head into the Village Runner and get fitted for a shoe that fits your biomechanical needs.  Do not forget to throw in a good pair socks to boot, there is nothing worse than blisters on your feet.

2. Get on a program.  Google is your friend here.  Look up 10K running plans and print off a copy. I suggest looking for a beginner or intermediate plan that fits your level of fitness.  If you are not sure about your current running level, be conservative and get a beginner plan.  DO NOT deviate from the program, it will only help you!

3. Oh those hills! The MB 10K course is hilly.  You have to plan some of your training around this fact.  Be proactive and do some of your training runs on hill courses or do hill repeats.

4. Hit the weights.  Strength training offers many benefits that go way beyond helping your running performance.  Squats, push-ups, inverted rows, and core work are all a perfect place to start. You do not need to become a power lifter but adding a little strength to your body will only help.

5. Hydrate!  There is nothing wrong with stopping at one of the water stations and taking a few sips.  Be smart!

6. Soak it in.  As I said, this race is like no other.  Enjoy the views and the crowd cheering you on to the finish!

Early Registration For The MB10K

Pricing now - September 19th:

  • Register online at
  • $30 Youth (under 15 years old)

  • $35 Adults

Please Note!

Registration in-store at Village Runner, Manhattan Beach opens September 1st and closes September 30th . Online registration will close on September 26th.

Image Credit: Gaffney

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