Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: Meet Big Wave Dave — Taylors Fitness |

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: Meet Big Wave Dave

honolulu marathon

Dave is a client that I’ve been working with for almost a year. Dave first came to me because he wanted to finish the Honolulu Marathon and needed my help. After finishing 30 of them in his lifetime, Dave was certainly no stranger to marathons. This time however, was to be his last race because Dave had to undergo a total knee replacement. Before his surgery, he wanted to experience the utter joy that comes from intense training sessions and crossing that finish line one last time. Needless to say, our work was cut out for the both of us.

What's it been like training with Dave? Well, he is a cross between a stand up comedian and the lead singer of a heavy metal band. If this lover of life isn't telling me inappropriate jokes, he's insisting I blast both of our ear drums with Rage Against the Machine or Rob Zombie. Did I mention that Dave is 60? I look forward to our 2 hours of training every week because this guy is a blast!

A few months back Dave asked me if I would fly out to Hawaii and help him run the last stretch of the marathon. So on December 14th, I will be Dave’s Sherpa. I will be running beside him, making sure that he finishes his goal. Whether we will be telling inappropriate jokes, quoting our favorite movies, or debating which Rock n' Roll group is best, you better believe that Dave and I will be having a great time.

Dave--it’s been a real treat for me to work with you and I can’t wait to see you cross that finish line!

*image by Rosa Say, Flickr

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