Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: An Injury Doesn't Have to Mean Misery — Taylors Fitness |

Erik's Weekly Fitness Tip: An Injury Doesn't Have to Mean Misery

An Injury Doesn't Have to Mean Misery

For those of you wondering if online training would work for you, I’d like to introduce you to Jen, an online client of mine that recently crushed the Chicago Marathon. Jen placed 1,454 out of 37,407 finishers with a time of 3:07. For more than a year, I have been providing Jen with weekly strength training workouts. 

Like most things in life, Jen faced some challenges leading up to the marathon. In the summer of 2014, Jen was right on track to having a great marathon time, running 80-90 miles per week in preparation.  That is, until adversity hit. Jen was injured and forced to shut down her training.

Jen is a fighter who never backs down to a challenge.

With a true runner’s spirit, she took her injury in stride and came back even more determined to run in her hometown marathon.  She turned her injury into a positive experience by using it as motivation. There is no denying that Jen is made of pure grit, determination, and mental fortitude.

Way to go Jen! I can’t wait to see what your running future holds. 

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